"Did I do the right thing?"
"Posting a blog about "life" "What kind of true inner wisdom do I have to share that would be more important for others to read coming me than what others already do in this realm?"
"Am I outstretching myself with lofty ideas & thoughts that might be considered "phooey" to some or most?"
"Oh lord, probably" But in the end, it all doesn't matter. I don't mean that in a negative way.
"Do what you want and just feel good doing it"
"Feel you are doing something that might be going out towards the greater good of things"
I always try to keep that in mind.
This isn't just going to be "It's All About Me" blog. I can't be and I won't allow it to be. I'll just use some of my own experiences to outline the subjects I do want to discuss, the ones that I think truly matter about life.
As I wrote yesterday about being "authentically" being myself, "Am I personally?"
I think I am getting there, slowly but surely. I have had my share of personal setbacks; but I think those setbacks have made me stronger and given me some great perspective into the what some might call the "psyche" of life.
I'm not a writer here. So don't expect great prose and verse from this guy. But I may get better in time though. I think with more practice writing, some of my skills will get better in time. As they say "practice makes perfect (or really "proficient" is the more operative truer word to use. There is no such thing as "perfect" that word to me is an illusion, unreal, false)"
I am just a man that just wants to post stuff in his own forum on what he feels is most important; "this life we're living now"
The last thing I want to sound and come across like is a "self help book" I have had my share of reading those long time ago and while some did resonate to me and while many words and phrases still stick to my mind like gum to your shoe; not everything said in those books by authors like Marianne Williamson or Louise Hay really are not completely filled with all the best advice one can do change their own lives. I am not down valuing their intentions nor their teachings. They have been quite beneficial in my own personal growth.
I am definitely not going to say I'm going to be the one that will break that barrier down in making huge impacts in this life we live.
I do want to aspire to be in line with their stream of thought though. I have to admit. I have always admired higher minded thinking. Thinking on terms of what is the "greater good" for us and those around us.
I've been around "a block" "I have been around my own block" so to speak or write in this case.
I may have not been out of the country yet nor been to the East Coast for that matter, but I have been "around my own block" meaning my own life for quite some time. I had made some pretty stupid mistakes in the past but I have also made some pretty good decisions too.
I think learning from one's "own block" is a great starting point in where we want to be in our lives.
"What is that you have been doing over and over and to no effect at all?"
Has there been a situation, issue, person, whatever it is, where you have been doing what you thought was right and yet felt you made no head way into a breakthrough.
"Do you give up?"
I would say that it's never a bad thing to give up if something hasn't worked that you have tried so much on.
Giving up is only just "letting go" and "letting go" is something we need to do more often.
Sometimes the idea of "letting go" can be pretty scary. Very intensely scary, indeed. You might feel as you're a failure of sorts for giving up on something that you feel was so worthy of your time and effort.
I know I have felt this way about somethings I have put all my energies into. But when you realize what the current status quo truly is and has anything you've done been to some extent successful in not changing the status quo in your favor; well then count yourself "blessed" YOU MADE IT.
For some of us (mostly all of us) that continually doing the proverbial "banging your head against the wall" trying to continue to make things right whether whatever tactics we use to get to the end of the means, it might be give you some solace that "giving up" and/or "letting go" will give you some great relief and comfort. Giving up on something you feel strongly about will allow you to think of what you were trying to accomplish, "What it worth it?" "Did I get any pay-off from my efforts?" "Did it change other mind(s) to think as I do?" "Do I feel that I was truly doing what was best for the situation or matter with my intentions?"
These are many questions you can ask yourself here on this subject.
"I won't continue to go into the endless questions there are, you get the picture"
For me "letting go", I am literally surrendering to whatever the way things are.
Surrendering or just the words itself is again pretty scary stuff to allow one's self to do. It's allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable to others and even ourselves can be scary because it allowing ourselves to be open to all the forces that we think are against us; at least in our minds "forces" that we think are against us. But in all reality, there are none. They are only "forces" that we have allowed our minds to think that are there. And believe me, there is no greater enemy to our minds than OUR OWN MINDS. Only we create the experiences we live in right in the here and now.
Once the "letting go" part has been started, "Where do you go from there?" Well, my answer would be anywhere and any place you want to, figuratively speaking and sometimes this might mean literally!" Some choices we make in our lives are pretty heavy ones and some are pretty small ones; but regardless, they all mean a lot since if they didn't we wouldn't be so wound up and invested in them "Am I right?"
It's funny how even the most smallest of things that we have invested so much time & effort into, and realizing the outcome didn't work out the way we wanted and then to realize all we needed to do was "let go" WAS one of our biggest barriers in life! No matter how small or big, there are many barriers that we put up to hope we get what we want; even if it holds us back.
Do not berate yourself for this kind of behavior, just give yourself a pat on the back that you allowed yourself "let go" of the baggage you have held so long onto. It's okay.
I have personally allowed myself to hold grudges in the past against others that I felt have wronged me. I did my share of pouting & literal ignoring of these people to show my angst against them. And "did it change matters?" "Hell, no!"
Life just went on while I stood there posturing like a child that need to be put back in line or really told "It's okay, not this time. Next time and even next time, think even bigger and better" But I had to allow myself to do what I did because if I didn't, even though it was a complete waste of my energy and time, it gave me some great insight into the importance and even the lack of importance we put into things and situations in life. We need to feel those emotions of defeat, loss, pain, anger, they are all valid feelings for us to have.
"Why do we hold onto some things for dear life like they are our life's blood?"
Because it's easy and it's comforting and it's what we do as humans to feel like we're in control.
Being in control is for some of us, a very important thing to be in and for some of us, we allow to give up our own control in our life to others
I will honestly say I do come from the latter of the two groups. I was brought up not allowing the power of any control in my life. I do not blame my parents nor myself here at all. They did what they thought was best for me and it was what they knew and they loved me unconditionally (what else can one ask more for?). I just never allowed myself to have control of my own life younger. I just let things come and go as they may, hoping that my life would go in a nice safe direction. And believe me, it didn't at all in the beginning whatsoever. It wasn't till I decided (me finally taking control, "deciding") that I wanted to love myself more and allow myself to know that I only deserve the best in this life, did my life truly change for the better. And so it did, my life changed immensely and almost whirlwind. Realizing this happening to me, it really gave me great pause in the true power I and we have inside as an individuals.
I know this sounds kind of counter to my discussion on "letting go" just a few paragraphs ago; but "I'll tie these two together shortly, just give me some space here to get to that junction, okay!"
Well, after realizing the immense power I have within myself to change things in my own life like losing weight (in my mid 20's, still always a struggle but a most welcomed challenge) and obtaining the most loving and wonderful partner that I am sharing a life with for almost 15 years now, I can say that we as human beings have such huge power, more than we can absolutely fathom. Most of us don't even consider that this could be true or are too afraid to consider it because it sounds too fantastical like some fantasy; but it is true, we truly harness the biggest force of power there is than anything else in this world.
Of course, harnessing this power also means "commitment"; which for some of us, it can be an easy thing to do and for a lot of us, depending on what we are committing to, a terribly difficult thing to do.
I can say that from my own personal experience, I have a great capacity for commitment in some areas of my life. I am going to try to challenge myself to apply that same "commitment" to harness that same power I have used before to make the changes again so I can move into the direction I want it to go to; whatever and wherever that might be.
As I always to tell myself and continue to do so I say "You are never stuck" "Nothing is forever" and yet another cliche phrase "All good and bad things shall come to pass"
Now back to this tying of the "letting go" part with the "commitment" part, Well, as we all know, we continue to ponder about our past efforts of making things & changing things and realizing that they were not working at all; thus the need for us to "let go" of something that most of us are afraid of doing (me included). But it's an absolutely necessary part of the growth process. Now think of what it is that you are doing that just is not working at all; work, a relationship, a difficult situation with a family member, an beloved pet that you're trying to train to do right, etc.. whatever it is! and just allow yourself the relief of "letting go" of that situation. Feel the release and allow to let whatever else that you might feel, even the fear part come in.
Continue to let yourself feel all the emotions of what it is you're feeling about "letting go" let them fall off of you like waves hitting a beach or use whatever kind of visualization imagery that works for you. Then as as time goes on, let yourself to feel the peace inside, the quiet strength of which it is start to envelope you. Don't be afraid of it. If you continue to hear that "crazy static thinking" going on still, let it be as it is, it will shall pass in time. You may need to do this a few times to come to that place of clarity. "Lord, I am sounding like a self help book like Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization!" "Forgive me!" "But humor me here, okay!"
Let the feeling of "letting go" be as it is; slowly feel the weight being lifted. Then allow yourself to think "What do I really want now?" I know this kind of sounds like you're backtracking but you're not. You are just asking yourself a question that is a valid one. "Were you only trying to make the past situation where you were in wanting only a pay-off that would benefit you?" If so, then you kind of hit pay dirt in my opinion.
Now then think to yourself, "Did I want the situation/person, thing, whatever to be happy?" If you can answer yes to this, well, then you're still on the right track. If you can't answer this question with a "yes" then now ask yourself this now "What did you want really to happen in that particular situation?" "Was it to make only you feel better while the other person/situation/thing, whatever, etc... was to be in your control?" Well, now that doesn't sound like a good place to be in, "You think?" "Do you really want to play God/the Universe, whatever you believe in, etc...?"
If so, really think deep and hard if you are not allowing yourself to have happiness or even remote satisfaction that you are doing what is best for all parties involved. Because in the end, it's not all about YOU but in most ways it IS! Very contradictory but very important to know and distinguish them apart.
You as an individual really need to know how important you are; first and foremost. You as a person that only finds satisfaction in knowing all and being in control, well, as good as it might feel at any given moment, you really are not all that in control of whom are you really. At least, this comes from my own experience. I may be coming off as completely off-base here by my statement wrote above but "really?"
Now that you have allowed yourself to "let go" are you willing to "commit" yourself to allowing yourself to be more happy or even remotely for that matter? I never want to say we are all going to be truly ecstatically happy here in this life because that statement, of itself as a whole, IS a complete fabrication of the world of Madison Avenue & advertising that was been pushed down our throats for many years/decades now, in my opinion.
Happiness is elusive but it can be caught sometimes like a butterfly in a jar. It might not be there always but always be aware of its existence and allow it to enter into your life when it makes it appearance. "Welcome it into your life like an old friend that you haven't seen in a long time"
Give yourself the chance to feel that feeling. Fleeting as some beautiful moments in time are including happiness, "Wouldn't you want to at least enjoy it while it lasts than to never have enjoy it at all period?"
"I would think not"
Always remember that those happiest times enjoyed past are always locked away in your memories and they can be relived whenever you want to relive them in your minds. They are what give us hope that there can be better things around the corner, even if there might not be yet. But they can get you through the day and they sure help me when I am feeling down and out.
Now "commit" yourself (not to a mental institution, I hope) to allowing yourself to "let go" of all the past baggage and engage the idea that you are willing to be happy with the what is right now. I know this will sound like complete B.S. especially if you're dealing with a very difficult situation in life. Some words cannot be of great solace to some; but I believe that regardless of whatever your lot in life is, you still have the upper hand in making the best of what you hand you were dealt with.
"Commit right now to set yourself free of any baggage you have held onto, commit to a new idea about that could ease things your life, commit to allowing others to love you, commit to making changes with your health lifestyle, commit to just feeling okay right now, commit to loving others more, commit to giving yourself a break GODDAMIT! Commit to allowing to love for yourself with all your flaws "Commit, Commit, Commit, Commit!"
I cannot say enough of this word because it's an important one. If we cannot or are not willing to "let go" we cannot allow ourselves the personal luxury of "commitment", in my honest opinion.
We can always back out of a commitment and most of us do, me included, but if give ourselves the chance to try to commitment, "we're on the right track, the right direction" We're allowing ourselves the chance to move on, "let go" of stuff so we can MOVE ON.
Life is all about experiences; how we react to them, how we will deal with them and how will we make the best of what it is that we are given. But "nothing is set in stone" about us having to live unpleasant circumstances forever. That's why I love to tell myself during the hardest of times "Nothing is forever" It does give me great solace because there were times in my life when I truly felt like there was no way out and I was stuck, I still do at times, but in the end, I prevailed. And so can you. You just have to be willing to "let go" and "commit" to wanting any kind of changes occur and try to encourage them to happen, do some things to make them happen. Be proactive. Being proactive is not an easy task, I will say this is true but it's not impossible to do. I've always been a procrastinator with things in my life and when I let things fall to the way side, I feel this kind of clogging of the arteries, so to speak. The feeling is like I'm not allowing things to flow as they should be. I feel like I'm withholding of which I am.
It is never a good feeling for me to be withholding, withholding for me is like not allowing me to be at my truest potential. It's me not being "authentically" myself. I have long withheld things from others and I do not want you to make the same mistakes I have. Even though I cannot control anyone from doing this, I'm writing this because I do care. I care immensely. More than most people will ever know. But that is just me; I'm putting my heart on my sleeve since that's what I do; but I never fault myself for caring as much as I do. I cherish the fact that I care as much as I do for many people in my life and events that go on.
Even right now, thinking of "caring" and "giving a damn" means so much to me. Not long ago, I had called my mother I had to tell her something that I don't think she would have ever expected to hear from me say to her. But I thanked her for giving me this great capacity to "care" and "have empathy" for others. I thanked for being such an extraordinary individual that taught me that caring is so paramount in this life we live right now. A life without caring is a life that is selfish and completely devoid of purpose. That is not a life I choose for myself and I am committed to continue on with caring, having empathy for others, that's me. "Is that you?" I think you know that it is very true for a lot of you out there as it is for me.
As I get off my subject here and "being around my own block" as taken from the title of this post and my introduction on today's posting, It is important to allow one's self to "let go" of what is holding you back and to "commit" to what is going on to truly, I mean truly, make you feel better.
Because "you cannot help anyone in this life at all or be of any use to anyone if you cannot save yourself first"
So "let go" and "commit"
Try it for an hour, a day, a few minutes, maybe a week? "What do you got to lose?"
Ending now for today, as we all know, living this life thing is not an easy one. But if you and I put up with the bumpy aspects with it and ride them out, the rewards or even roadblocks are so worth it. You do not grow unless you let yourself encounter them.
I thank you for reading.
My warmest regards and love,
Thank you Mando for another thoughtful and loving post. The simplicity of sharing your thoughts about the important things in life - gently reminding- are well received by me. Thank you again for being a good friend- keep posting!